P-A-R Displays (Non-Segmentals) |
The P-A-R displays are valuable for communicating many "invisible" aspects of speech: rising or falling pitch; loud vs. soft sounds; appropriate inflection of words or phrases; volume variation; changes in cadence or rate; duration of sounds; vocal stops; easy onset; continuous phonation; distorted and natural voicing; and coarticulation of phonemes. You may choose either pitch or volume as the primary characteristic in these cross-time displays, with rhythm as a secondary element. Switching between the display styles for any voice sample is as easy - a single mouse click does the trick. |
. | Selectable voice sample times from 1-10
seconds mean you can represent individual sounds, words or connected speech
with these displays. Although initially presented in the direct
overlay format, you may use the optional split screen display
to visually separate the model and trial for easy interpretation of errors. At any time, you can instantly substitute an individual's voice sample (patterns and audio) for the current model. Cartoon animations with entertaining sounds effects reward good performance against goals you define, and you may store scores for later review. P-A-R models may also be used as the basis for the Fun & Games P-A-R Game Zone options. |
The Connected Speech display is especially useful for fluency training or reinforcing changes in habitual pitch or volume levels. Sample times can be up to 10 minutes long, in 10-second increments. After sampling, Video Voice reports the average pitch or volume measured or quantifies fluency in number of stops, percentage vocalization time and speaking rate (syllables/minute). |
Click on images for full screen displays.
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Updated 02/19/2018